Radar for Mariners
A practical guide to safe, versatile, and efficient use of
small craft radar, covering brief overview of radar principles
and operation, definition of terms, navigation by range and
bearing, use of VRM and EBL in navigation and collision
avoidance, identifying radar targets and interpreting their
motions, and how to apply the Rules of the Road. Also, how to
interpret land masses seen on the radar. Rules of thumb on what
can and cannot be seen (resolving power).
The course consists of 12 hours of instruction, made up of 4
three-hour classroom classes.
The course includes special tricks and methods not covered in
manuals or textbooks. The Starpath Radar Trainer simulator will
be used in class for demonstrations and practice drills.
software is available at a discount to registered students.
This course is guaranteed to increase the safety and
efficiency of your radar watch many fold and greatly reduce the
anxiety of those encounters with converging radar targets that
cannot be seen visually... not to mention that it is indeed the
law (Rules 6,7,8) that mariners with radar know how to interpret
radar images (to make "systematic observations").
The text for the course is
Radar for Mariners
David Burch (McGraw-Hill, 2005). This book includes a working
demo of the Radar Trainer program that can be run 5 times for
practice and evaluation.
Course Fee:
$249 includes course materials: Radar for Mariners Textbook
Coast Guard Navigation Rules: $13 (includes
NEW in 2013:
Windmill Marina
16065 32nd Street South
Afton, MN 55001
From I-94 and County
Road 18 / Hwy 95
• Take County Road 18 South (Saint Croix Trail N)
from Hwy I94 for 4.4 miles (south)
• Turn left at 32nd Street South (just in the town
of Afton)
• Go through Marina entrance (approximately 1 block from Saint Croix
Trail N) to parking lot A (on left) and then to
building in middle of parking lot. Park in front of
2013 (Dates are subject to change)
3-hour evening sessions 6-9 PM (or as close as possible)
R1-Afton: Tuesdays & Thursdays: 4/18, 4/23, 4/25, 4/30 (exam)
Independent Study / Correspondence.
This course has been successfully completed by
students who are remotely located. It usually requires
some time spent with an instructor by email or
Cost is $169 which includes textbook, DVD and ASA
certification, upon successful completion. We like to
interview prospective students in this category. Please call.
Northern Breezes Sailing School at 763-542-9707 to register or
with questions.
Prerequisite for this course:
ASA 105 - Coastal Navigation.
Northern Breezes
Sailing School
Winnetka Ave. N.
Minneapolis, MN 55427
Call For Free Brochure (763) 542-9707
American Sailing
Sailing School