Every Fender Needs a Friend
It can be upsetting to walk to one's dock and find nothing but a torn-off fender eye dangling. What happened? The boat pinned the fender tightly against the dock, and wave action ripped it off, leaving the vessel unprotected and possibly damaged. Davis Instruments' Shockles FenderFriend prevents this from happening.
With models for twin-eye and center-tube fenders, FenderFriend is the world's only fender whip and hanger that features a built-in shock absorber. It stretches 12" so that when wakes or swells rock the boat, the fender stays in place, protecting the vessel, without additional strain to the rail, cleat or lifeline.
The proprietary system includes a UV-resistant nylon webbing strap that adjusts from 16-72", and a sturdy Nexus marine-grade buckle. Anyone-even non-boaters-can easily attach the device just about anywhere, whether to a sailboat's toe rail, a cleat, grab rail or the square rails of a pontoon. It adjusts quickly to hang the fender in the optimal position. Many boaters especially appreciate the shock absorber's stretch when idling into the slip-when the moving boat can squeeze the fender out of place.

The Shockles FenderFriend retails for $22.99, for either the Twin Eye or Center-Tube model.
Contact Davis Instruments, 3465 Diablo Ave., Hayward, CA 94545. 510-732-9229; Fax: 510-732-9188. Mail to: info@davisnet.com; Website: www.davisnet.com.