"The Ice Age Is Over" Fridge Freeze, the portable 12/24 volt 110 volt
refrigerator/freezer that will keep your food and drinks cold without ice is now
What makes the Fridge Freeze so unique? The condenser coils are sealed on the
inside of the exterior aluminum wall, making them less susceptible to damage and
corrosion. Using the exterior wall as the condenser, the efficiency of the
Fridge Freeze is unrivaled. All other portable refrigerator/freezers use a fan
and small-coiled condenser to assist in the cooling process. Fans increase amp
draw and since the fan is a moving part, it is more likely to break. The Fridge
Freeze has no fan, and therefore, can keep the draw down to a low 2.3 amps in
85-degree temperature while maintaining a cool 28-degrees inside the cooler.
When connected to a 12-volt system from either an automobile or boat, the Fridge
Freeze should run indefinitely.
Fridge Freeze is manufactured in the United States and is built to last for
years, even in a marine environment. The exterior is made of marine grade
anodized aluminum, not plastic that will crack or painted steel that will rust.
The solid anodized aluminum handles have been tested up to a half-ton lifting
load. Three inches of high-grade polyurethane foam provide superior insulating
characteristics. The Fridge Freeze has a one-year warranty for parts and labor.
With a retail price of $2,495.00 for the 100-liter model, Fridge Freeze is
available factory direct. Visit www.fridgefreeze.com or call Fridge Freeze at
(619) 220-6003, for further information.