Mini Transat

Mini Transat - Killing time

From Gijon to Sada, the Ministes are in the queue to go. The little colony has organised itself with typicl good humour and is prepared to wait it out while watching for a favourable weather window.

The experiences of theose arriving after this first leg have varied considerably depending on how far to the west they were in in the Bay of Biscay, their reservers and resourcefulness to cope with this unexpected period ashore and their ability to deal with the the speed with which the situation is changing.

It's hard to imagine all the little annoyances caused by the impromptu stop. When the Ministes left for this first stage they had just a few essential changes of clothes for life at sea ... What they had with them was simple and functional, but not necessarily ideally adapted to life ashore. The stopover in Gijon has changed the game, especially for those who were relying on their families to have things organized for them in Lanzarote at the end of this first leg. As a result it's been necessary to get organized. Working on the principal that we are never stronger than when we work together, the Ministes have taken over (with the generous agreement of the club) the premises of the Club Naval de Gijon and have unearthed some local gems. A sort of boarding house with dormitories has been requisitioned for the fleet, competitors have come together in groups working together to purchases underwear, socks and other items of clothing where they needed local language. This curious new gang attracts some curious glances in the streets of the Asturian port, but at least they are dry. And the local tapas bars are experiencing an unexpected windfall in early November.

An soon there will be six is Sada

The five single handlers who had managed to make it to Sada should soon be joined by Stan Maslard, who is trucking his boat there by road. Following the international rules, the first leg was abandoned and there is nothing to stop the competitors who dropped out of the first attempt from coming to the new start line. The leg from Douarnenez to Sada no longer exists, all decisions regarding this section of the course should be considered null and void. The return of Stan, and perhaps some other competitors in the same situation, sets a precedent for the organization of the Mini Transat. For now, the competitors are obviously torn between the pleasure of seeing their colleagues, who made a huge commitment to the race, have the opportunity to continue chasing their dreams; and feeling slightly uncomfortable about them being placed on an equal footing despite the fact that they have not crossed the Bay of Biscay in the at times harsh conditions, putting their equipment to the test as others have had to. Dura lex, sed lex ... (it's harsh, but it's the law).

Mini Transat - Killing time


The course 2013: returns to its origins
Leg 1 - Douarnenez to Puerto Calero (Lanzarote): 1257 miles.
Leg 2 - Puerto Calero to Pointe-à-Pitre: 2764 miles.

Prologue "Tout commence en Finistère" October 6, 2013.
Start from Douarnenez originally planned for October 13, 2013 at 13.00. Departure postponed due to severe weather conditions on the race course.
Start from Canary Islands November 9, 2013. Arrival in Guadeloupe between 23 and 30 November 2013.

Douarnenez Courses: organizer of the Mini Transat 2013 and 2015
All associations have mobilized Douarnenez with the support of local and regional authorities under the aegis of Douarnenez Courses: the yacht clubs, Douarnenez and Société des Régates de Douarnenez, the Winches club organizers for many years of Mini races with the Mini Fastnet and Trophy Marie-Agnès Péron as torchbearers, but also the association of the Fêtes Maritimes, the Atlantic Yacht Club, the Fédération Maritime and others who are preparing for fifteen days prior to departure, a festival celebrating the sea and the sailors. Competitors will be welcomed into the Port-Rhu a real jewel in the heart of the city.

Douarnenez Courses: organizer of the Mini Transat 2013 and 2015




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