Race Results
Lake Minnetonka and Medicine Lake, MN
July 23-24
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Dan Fisher and his crew Ryan racing the WindRider 17 in ADA Medicine Lake. Photo by Guy Grafius |
1) Dream Fisher, Dick Jackson, 2) Phree,
George McNamara, 3) Skydancer, Bob Cragg.
1) Dansk, Jack Christofersen,
2) Anticipation, Roger Slater.
Capri 25
1) Rampage, Larry AuBuchon, 2) Quick
Draw Pete Willenbring, 3) Code Blue,
Brennom Family, 4) Molly Buses, Mark
Weum, 5) Tsunami, Bruce Tam, 6) Catapult
III, Joel Ronning, 7) Consensus, Eric
Roubal, 7) Jalapeno, Bob Carpenter, 9)
Dakota, Paul Cossette, 10) Off Line,
Corny Boersma, 11) Ham-It-Up!, Hammett/Zagone,
12) Sudawn, Jesus Rodriguez, 13) White
Nights, Igor Pilko, 14) Cut Throat, John
1) Norwegian Woody, Jan-Petter Lovald,
2) Hot Flash, Carol Pine, 2) Bodhi, John
Haurykiewicz, 4) Black Cat, Marty
Solhaug, 5) Super Lulu Puppy, John & Ann
1) Gotcha, Tim & Ann Oelschlager, 2) 7,
Jeff Hinck, 3) Dead Reckoning, Scott
Brigham, 4) Fluid Ice, Leistiko/Verburgt,
5) Hellfire Dave Bennett, 6) T.D.B,
Randy Gould, 7) Oz, Rolf Turnquist
S2 7.9
1) Songbird, Friedell/Richfield, 1) Wind
Dance, Tsang/Crum, 3) Hog Wild,
Roland/Smith, 4) Whirlwind, Steve & Dee
1) Gusto, John & Liz Sligh, 2) Sesame
Street, Brody / Foster, 3) Banue, Trevor
& Maureen Haworth, 3) Encore, Dan
Hollinger, 5) House Calls, Mark Hoiseth,
5) Azor, David Olson, 7) Happy Hours,
Chuck & Cheryl Bangasser, 8)
Balderdash!, Henry & Nancy Brantingham,
9) Tally Ho!, Tom Brown.
1) Synergy, Ernie Worthley, 2) Stinger,
Fred & Nancy Sommer, 3) Beneteau 235,
Gaylen & Maggie Knack.
1) Speschel Edition, Steve Peschel, 2)
Cyclone, Rudy, Ruedenberg, 2) Rosie
Roise, Peterson/Gustafson, 4) Savannah,
Gerald Evenson
1) Seanchai, Thom Burns, 2) PR Firm
Sussman/Brooks ,3) Sea Sprite 23, Paul
Wicklund, 4) Gopher Baroque, Larry
Babiracki, 5) Knot 2 Shabby, Del Mattson
WindRider 17
1) Dan Fisher, 2) Alexis Olson, 3) Kayla
Fossen, , 4) Michele Pufahl
Chicago Sailor John Podmajersky Wins
Lake Erie Championship
John Podmajersky and his Mumm 30
Illusion won the Lake Erie Championship
for the Mumm 30 Class held July 29, 30,
and 31 and hosted by Lakeside Yacht Club
in Cleveland, Ohio.
The event delivered challenging
conditions with the 11 races being run
in light oscillating breezes which put a
premium on boat speed, the three day
event saw winds from 4-13 knots with the
majority of racing taking place in the
6-9 knot range.
Illusion came out on top after ending
the first day of the event in 3rd place.
The fleet consisted of the some of the
toughest competitors on the Great Lakes
as the top spot shifted each day of the
event and the point spread for the top 5
boats remained tight throughout the
Illusion is powered by Ullman Skelley
Sails of Havre de Grace Maryland and her
Chicago and Chesapeake Bay crew consists
of Max Skelley and Ron Weed Jr. of
Ullman Skelley Sails, Scott Kulp, Nan
Walker, Tim Fetsch, Cynthia West and
John Podmajersky.
I-LYA Regatta
One Design
Shock 35
1) Fever, Jim Penning, CYC 2) Shock &
All, Russell Krock, SSC 3) Raven, Dave
Heitzenrater, Erie YC 4) Wildthings, Ken
Rose & Gary Sweeta, GRSC 5) Big Shock,
Bob Sheppard, SSC
Bene. 36.7
1) Unruly, Gary Karges, EWYC 2)
Freckles, Terry Freeman & Brian E, VBC
3) Big Electric Cat, Mark & Bill
Cummings, SSC 4) Overkill, Tom McNeil,
Grassley Monroe BC 6) Farr Out, Dave
Ash, HBYC 7) Rowdy, John Blair, MHYC 8)
Eye Opener, Gregory Gray, EWYC 9) Easy
Beat, John McMicken, LYC
1) Head Honcho, Scott Irwin, SSC 2)
Cracker, Sackett & Rampe, MHYC 3) Bear,
John Barker, SSC 4) Gotcha, Dave Disbrow,
VBC 5) Think Blue, Gary Disbrow, VBC 6)
Distant Thunder, Robb Finicle, CYC 7)
Siren, David Blackman, VBC 8) Skim Jim
Johns, SSC 9) Heart Breaker, Dennis
Verbiar, VBC
Wavelgth 24
1) Whadda Schock, Bob Sheppard, ACSC 2)
Outta Schock, Stokes/ Rayner, LBSC 3)
MDR, Chris Sheppard, ACSA 4) Otay, Ron
Fantoey, ACSA 5) Out of Sight, Gordon
Fowler, ACSA
1) Bad Whiskey, Fred Meers, GPSC 2)
Banshee, Shawn McNally, DSC 3) Moxie,
Susan McDonald, DSC 3) Bill Mackey, DSC
5) Blue Moon, Matt Austin, DSC
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A quick start to the Deepwater Port to Port races to Put-in-Bay. The races originate from all around Lake Erie. |
OFFSHORE Multihull
1) Big Storm, Jim Fredricks, Put-In-BayYC
2) Alacrity, Brian Thorpe, LEMA
1) Magic, William Hertel ENE YC 2) Jeb
3, T&P McRichie Port Clinton YC 3)
Smile, Tom Zacher, Vermilion BC 4) Stand
Aside, Bill Bollin, North Cape YC
1) Kicks, John/Michelle Glanvi, North
Cape YC 2) Hellion, Robert
Coleman,Grosse Ile YC 3) Everly, John
Dunn, ENE YC 4) Thing, Walsh/Moore,
Cleveland YC 5) Elektra, Dan
VanHeeckeren, Mentor Harbor YC 6)
Shenanigan, Dick Synowiec, Ford YC
1) Wizard, Jeff/Marilyn Mackay, North
Cape YC 2) Powder Hound, Ronald
Hamilton, Erie YC 3) Racer X,
Pollock/Dubois, Grosse Ile YC 4) Gus,
Jim Bourgault, Grosse Ile YC 5) Ghost
Writer, Schaffner/Bucholz, Port Clinton
YC 6) Tsunami, Wilson/Samanich,
Cleveland YC 7) Trio, Jim/Joe Uhler,
Edgewater YC 8) X-Force, Wm Jeffrey
Defrank, Grosse Ile YC
1) Feisty, Brian/Katie Hartwell, Grosse
Ile YC 2) Zepher Hawk, Rick/Kelly Bohl,
Grosse Ile YC 3) Yes, Andy Kozieradzki,
LaSalle Mariners 4) Kaleidoscope, Eileen
Hoffman, North Cape YC 5) Special
Delivery, Bob Bingham, La Salle Mariner
6) I Love You Baby, Todd/Patti Duffett,
Grosse Ile YC
1) Lionheart II, Len Strahl, River mar
2) Red Cloud, John/Judy Greiner, North
Cape YC 3) Nyanza, James McBrier, Erie
YC 4) Pigs At Sea, Fred Hibbert, North
Cape YC
1) Infrared, Brian Huntley, Sandusky SC
2) Kicks, Scott Boettner, Ford YC 3)
Lindy, Jim Norris, Cedar Is YC 4)
Calgirl, Ted/Denise Wagner, Ford YC 5)
Celerity, Donald Hartwell, H I YC 6)
Milly's, Martin Snyder, Mentor Hbr YC 7)
Cheap Thrills, Mark Naber, Monroe BC
1) Orange Crate, Jim/Chris Davis, North
Cape YC 2) Jagen, Tim Branson, Toledo
Ice YC 3) Rumors, Dennis Degolier, North
Cape YC 4) Itsfunagain, Mike McGuire,
Lake Shore SC 5) Dragon Lady, Brenda
Woodruff, Grosse Ile YC 6) Byte Size,
Mark/Susan Weihsh, Monroe BC 6) Wing
Jammin, William Pribe, North Cape YC 8)
Big Dog, Paul Meisel, Vermilion BC 9)
Jolly Roger, James Ferriole, Bayview YC
1) Coqui, Ramou Eickert, Pt Clinton YC
2) Thunder, Wayne Hallatt, Cedar Is YC
3) Money Pit, Jim Bryan, Ford YC 4)
Lunasea, Mike Austin, Sandusky SC 5)
Discover, Matt Kern, Jolly Roger SC 6)
Chessie II, Mike/Darlene Smith, St.
Marys BC 7) Rooster, Mike Birch, Alum
Creek SC 8) Bears Mistress, Mike
Lippmann, Cedar Is YC
1) Southern Cross, Brian/Melanie Ross,
Alum Creek SA 2) Daystar, Shawn/Christan
Trac, Put-in-Bay YC 3) Windchime, Geoff
Sickles, Perrysurg BC 4) Oasis,
Dennis/Kathie Phillip
1) Tangueray, Nick Smith Jolly Roger SC
2) Windwalker, David Crawford Harbor Bay
YC 3) Sora, Freemont/Kemp, GHSC of
Detroit 4) St.John Dreaming, Kevin
Hankus, Alum Creek YC
1) Shortwave, William Ducy, Point Place
BC 2) Scheherazade, Stanley Komajda,
Lake Shore SC 3) First Priority, Kevin
Crawford, Ottawa River YC 4) Yawltese
Falcon, Ronald Hendricks, North Cape YC
5) Carlina, Helmut Makoben, Alum Creek
30 Jul 2005
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A quick start to the Deepwater Port to Port races to Put-in-Bay. The races originate from all around Lake Erie. |
1) Thing, Walsh/Moore Cleveland YC, J-33
2) Everly, John Dunn, Erie YC, Bene F-42
3) Magic, William Hertel, Erie YC, J-35
4) Fever, Penning Fever Partne,
Cleveland YC, Schock 35 5) Raven, Dave
Heitzenrater, Erie YC, Schock 35 6)
Weimer IV, Arlene Steuer, Edgewater YC,
Soveral 33 dnf) Avalanche, Robert
Bennett Sr, Edgewater YC, Morgan 45
1) Unruly, Gary Karges, Edgewater YC,
Bene 36.7 2) Rowdy, John Blair, Mentor
Hbr YC, Bene 36.7 3) Eye Opener, Gregory
Gray, Edgewater YC, Bene 36.7 4)
Overkill, Thomas McNeill, Cleveland YC,
Bene 36.7 5) Easy Beat, John McMicken,
Bene 36.7
1) Powder Hound, Ronald Hamilton, Erie
YC, Heritage 1 Ton 2) Bonafide, Dave
Krotseng, Edgewater YC, j-34 3) Magic,
Micheal Mervart, Cleveland YC, C&C 99 4)
Tsunami, James Wilson, Cleveland YC,
Evelyn 32 5) Trio, Jim/Joe Uhler
Edgewater YC, J-29 6) Manitou Expres,
Kenneth Cort, Edgewater YC, Express 34
7) En Point, Frank Kups, Edgewater YC,
S-2 9.1 dns) Nyanza, James McBrier, Erie
YC, Hinckley SW 42
1) Cracker, Sackett/Rampe, Mentor Hbr YC,
Tartan 10 2) Bad Influence, Tom West,
Edgewater YC, Tartan 10 3) Distant
Thunder, Robb Finicle, Cleveland YC,
Tartan 10 dnf) Patrimpas, Tony Jucaitis,
Edgewater YC, Tartan 10
1) Wileway, Philip/Jack Rush East Light
YC, Hunter 34 2) Breezin, Rich Galaska,
Forest City YC, J-30 3) Great Scott,
Tom/June Gibbs, Edgewater YC, Bristol 28
4) Milly’s, Martin Snyder, Mentor Hbr YC,
Bene 210 5) Eeyore, Eric Miller,
Northeast YC, Coronado 25 6) Swinger,
Timothy McBride, Independent Y, Tartan
1) Extravagance, Gary Eby, Edgewater YC,
Yamaha 36 2) Jule, Dan Stringer,
Edgewater YC, Tartan 30 dns)
Indefatigable, Tom Simiete, Cleveland YC,
Elite 30 dnf) Southern Cross, Mark
Corson, Edgewater YC, Catalina 30 dns)
Tiburon, Larry Heidelburg Put-in-Bay YC,
Tartan 37 BC
1 Aug 2005
1) Feisty, Brian Hartwell, Grosse Ile YC,
Abbott 33 2) Gus, Jim Bourgault, Grosse
Ile YC, X-3/4 Ton 33 3) Lionheart, Len
Strahl, River Mar, S-2 10.2 4) Hellion,
Robert Coleman, Grosse Ile YC, Soveral
39 5) Racer X, Matt/Roger Dubois, Grosse
Ile YC, X-Yacht 3/4 t 33 dnf) Zephyr
Hawk, Rick/Kelly Bohl, Grosse Ile YC,
Abbott 33 dns) Yes, Andy Kozieradzki,
LaSalle YC, Abbott 33
Dnf) Dragon Lady, Brenda Woodruff, Grose
Ile YC, Ranger 33 Dnf) Sora, Jim Kemp,
GSCD, Redwing 30
1) Bad Whiskey, Fred Meers, Detroit SC,
Crescent 24 dnf) Utopia, Bill Mackey,
DSC, Crescent 24 dnf) Moxie, Susan
McDonald, Detroit SC, Crescent 24 dnf)
Blue Moon, Bill Mackey, DSC, Crescent
dnf) Banshee, Shawn McNally, Detroit SC,
Crescent 24
30 Jul 2005
1) Ghost Writer, John/Gil Schaffner/b,
Pt. Clinton YC Sloop 35 2) Chasseur,
David Ryan, Monroe BC, C&C 33 3) Chessie
II, Mike/Darlene Smith, St. Marys BC,
Hunter 26.5
1) Daystar, Christan Tracy, Put-in-Bay
YC, O'Day 40 2) Shortwave, William Ducey,
Point Place BC, Sloop 27
30 Jul 2005
1) Infrared, Bryan Huntley, Sandusky SC,
Kelley 28 2) Big Electric Ca, Mark/Bill
Cummings, Sandusky YC, Bene 36.7 3)
Sneak a Tack, John Sukis, Lorain
Sailing, J-34 4) Schock & All, Russell
Krock, Sandusky SC, Schock 35 5) Veloce,
Phil Dufresne, Sandusky SC, Paceship 23
6) Big Schock, Bob Sheppard, SSC/ASCA,
Schock 35 OCS) Absolut, Jeff Posner,
East Light YC, S-2 7.9
1) Whatta Schock, Bob Sheppard, ASCA/SSC
Wavelength 24 2) Out of Shock, Otta Boat
Inc, Long Beach YC, Wavelength 24 3) mdr,
Bob Sheppard, ACSA/SSC, Wavelength 24 4)
Otay, Bob Sheppard, ACSA/SSC, Wavelength
1) New Addition, Lou Nosko, Sandusky SC,
Mirage 25 2) Smile, Tom Zacker,
Vermilion BC, Beneteau 40.7 3) Gotcha,
43335 Don Ingersoll, Sandusky SC, Kirby
30 4) Rooster, Birch/Luis, USSA, Sprinta
Sport 23 5) Big Dog, Paul Metsel,
Vermilion BC, Tartan 10 6) Timeless,
Larry King, Sandusky YC, Tartan 4100
1) Gotcha, Dave Disbrow, Vermilion BC,
Tartan 10 2) Head Honcho, Scott Irwin,
SSC, Tartan 10 3) Bear, John Barker,
Sandusky SC, Tartan 10 4) Norm's,
Steve/Eric Jackson/w, Sandusky SC,
Tartan 10 5) Skim, Jim Johns, Sandusky
SC, Tartan 10 6) Kryptonite, John
Shipley, ASCA, Tartan 10 7) Heart
Breaker, Dennis Verbiar, Vermilion BC,
Tartan 10 8) Siren, Dave Blackman,
Vermilion BC, Tartan 10
1) Big Storm, Jim Frederick, PIBYC,
Corsair F 28 2) Battle Cat, Harold
Albert, SSC, Stiletto 30
30 Jul 2005
1) Kick, John Glanville, NCYC/Monroe B,
Tripp 33 2) Chizzler, Steve Lawson,
North Cape YC, Morgan 45 3) Jubilate Deo,
Porter/Stong, North Cape YC, J-35 4)
Stand Aside, Bill Bollin, North Cape YC,
Thompson 870 dns) Sho Wae Cae Me,
Dave/Sue Grassley, Monroe BC, Beneteau
1) Red Cloud, John/Judy Greiner, North
Cape YC, Santana 35 2) Kaleidoscope,
Harold/Eileen Hoffm, North Cape YC,
Abbott 33 3) Rumors, Dennis Degolier,
North Cape YC, S-2 9.1 4) Wizard,
Jeff/Marilyn Mackay, North Cape YC,
Evelyn 32
1) Abracadabra, Roger Stark, North Cape
YC, Pearson 30 2) Calgirl, Ted/Denise
Wagner, Ford YC, Cal 29 3) Wildcat, Russ
Atkinson, North Cape YC, J-30 4)
Xantrick, Steve Theiss Morgan 27 5)
Choirloft, David Sullivan, North Cape YC,
Cal 9.2 6) Pigs at Sea, Fred Hibbert,
North Cape YC, G&S 27 7) Cheap Thrills,
Mark Naber, Monroe BC, S-2 7.9
U.S. Independence Cup/North American
Challenge Cup
Chicago, IL
July 29-Aug 1
Repeat win for defending champions of
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Independence Cup/NACC
July 30th. Adaptive
sailing aboard 2.4 Metre sailboats racing in Chicago. Photo provided by www.boatingshots.com |
The defending champions of US SAILING’s
U.S. Independence Cup/North American
Challenge Cup (IC/NACC), one of the
premier disabled sailing regattas in the
country, had reason to celebrate after
winning the event once again. For
doublehanded sailors Karen Mitchell
(Deerfield Beach, FL.) and Kerry Gruson
(Miami, FL), it was their third
consecutive time winning the
Championship, sailed in Freedom 20s. For
US Disabled Sailing Team-member Nick
Scandone (Fountain Valley, CA), it was
only his second time competing in the
event and his second victory in the
singlehanded event, sailed in the 2.4mR.
The Championship was hosted by Chicago
Yacht Club, where it will be held again
next year.
In the doublehanded fleet, racing was
close throughout the three-day regatta.
Karen Mitchell and Kerry Gruson took the
lead on the second day and managed to
hold on to it for the remainder of the
event. With six points total, the
winners finished 12 points ahead of
second-place finishers Bob Jones
(Issaquah, WA) and Ken Kelly (Victoria,
BC). In the singlehanded 2.4mR fleet,
Nick Scandone came prepared to win,
taking the lead on day one and never
relinquishing it. Fellow US Disabled
Sailing Team-member Rick Doerr (Clifton,
NJ) finished eight points behind
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Disabled participants gather for lunch, check the protest board and prepare for the afternoon racing with an impressive backdrop of regatta sponsorship signage. Photo provided by www.boatingshots.com |
“The racing in the gold fleets of both
classes was highly competitive this
year,” said Betsy Alison (Newport,
R.I.), coach of the US Disabled Sailing
Team and clinic instructor at the U.S.
Independence Cup. “I think this was the
strongest competition we’ve seen at this
event,” she added.
With their third consecutive win of the
U.S. Independence Cup, Mitchell and
Gruson enter the history books of US
SAILING. This is the first time in the
history of the event, held annually
since 1990, that a team has won the
event for three consecutive years. Robie
Pierce (Newport, R.I.) has won the
singlehanded event three times, but not
in consecutive years.
By winning the U.S. Independence Cup,
Californian Nick Scandone continues what
has been a very successful year thus
far. He started 2005 with a third place
finish at US SAILING’s Rolex Miami OCR
in the 2.4mR, he was the top U.S.
finisher in the event. He then finished
fourth at the Disabled Midwinters and
the combined finishes at both events put
him in first place for the US Disabled
Sailing Team in the 2.4mR. The U.S.
Independence Cup served as great
preparation for Scandone, who leaves for
Denmark later this month to compete in
the IFDS Disabled Sailing World
Championship. In September, Scandone
will travel to Italy to compete in the
2.4mR Open World Championship.
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Westrec employees and Judd Goldman Adaptive Sailing Foundation volunteers tow the participants out for the highly competitive afternoon of racing. Photo provided by www.boatingshots.com |
For complete results, daily reports,
and photos from the U.S Independence
Cup/North American Challenge Cup, please
visit www.ussailing.org/independence.
The IC/NACC is part of US SAILING's
National Adult Championship series, all
of which are sponsored by Rolex Watch
U.S.A. For more information about US
SAILING's National Championships, please
visit www.ussailing.org/championships.
About Chicago Yacht Club
Founded in 1875 with the goal of
advancing the community’s knowledge,
enjoyment, and participation in boating
and the nautical arts, the Chicago Yacht
Club is one of the oldest and most
prestigious sporting organizations in
the nation, and remains a valuable
resource for its members and for the
Chicago area as a whole. The club has
been a leader for more than 75 years in
teaching children and adults how to
sail, and is a preeminent organizer and
host of regattas, races, and predicted
log contests in the United States.
The United States Sailing Association
(US SAILING) is the national governing
body for sailboat racing. Headquartered
in Portsmouth, RI, the organization’s
mission is to encourage participation
and promote excellence in sailing and
racing in the United States. For more
information, visit
Freedom Independence Class
1) Karen Mitchell/Kerry Gruson,
Deerfield, FL/Miami, FL. 2) Bob
Jones/Ken Kelly, Issaquah, WA/Victoria,
BC. 3) Tim Flynn/Paul Choquette, Ashaway,
RI/East Greenwich, RI 4) Mike Jaffe/Dan
Daniher, Chicago, IL/Oak Lawn, IL, 5)
Lance Hinrichs/Rob Klein, Falls Church,
VA/Washington, DS, 6) Joe Cook/Carlos
Rodriquez, Fort Lauderdale, FL/Miami,
FL, 7) Mike Strahle/Martha Hitchcock,
Redding, CA/Redding, CA.
1) Charles Rosenfield/Joe Del Vecchio,
Woodstock, CT/East Providence, RI, 2)
Donna DeMarest/Paul McKenna, Waterbury,
CT/Newport, RI, 3) Kristi Walker/Bridget
Bodo, Chicago, IL/Chicago, IL, 4)
Gregory Scott/Scott Meide, San Diego,
CA/Homeland, CA, 5) Irvin
Rosenfeld/Victor Brown, Lauderhill,
FL/Miami, FL, 6) Michael Grimm/Gregg
Watts, Miami Beach, FL/Lorida, FL, 7)
Peter Johnson/Carol Tibus, Fox River
Grove, IL/Posen, IL.
2.4mR Class
1) Nick Scandone, Fountain Valley, CA;
2) Rick Doerr , Clifton, NJ; 3) Paul
Tingley, Halifax, Nova Scotia; 4) David
Trude, Oxnard, CA; 5) Mark Bryant,
Estero, FL; 6) John McRoberts, Victoria,
1) Mike Hersey, Hyannis, MA; 2) Craig
Wilson, Oakham, MA; 3) Lee Buratti,
Corte Madera, CA; 4) Jen French, Tampa,
FL; 5) Nigist Sewnnet, Toronto, ONT; 6)
Amy Kelehan, Southampton, UK