
Will your GPS work when you need it?
Act Now! There’s a 30 Day Comment Window!

Earlier this year, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) gave conditional approval to a private company, LightSquared, to begin a nationwide broadband service right next to the radio spectrum used for GPS.  After concerns from user groups (including BoatU.S.) the FCC required significant testing and a report for potential conflicts with aviation, cellular, navigation, and four other GPS uses before this proposal could move forward.  In that June 30th report the navigation sub-team concluded  “that all phases of the LightSquared deployment plan will result in widespread harmful interference to GPS signals and service and that mitigation is not possible.”

Points to consider:

  • Global Positioning System (GPS) technology has become embedded in modern daily life.  Users include recreational boaters and commercial mariners, pilots, farmers, surveyors, construction workers, hikers, delivery drivers, dispatchers, lumberjacks, first responders, and emergency vehicles.
  • LightSquared should only be given approval if it can be proven that there will be no GPS interference.
  • In 2010 alone, 122 million GPS units were sold.  Retrofitting legacy units to accommodate LightSquared’s needs is not feasible.
  • Even if LightSquared moves to a lower spectrum, lab testing revealed many GPS devices still suffered from harmful interference.
  • American citizens rely on the FCC to protect the bandwidth as a national resource; compromising GPS compromises American lives.

Take Action – Follow This Link:

Include a paragraph of your own experiences or a story to help illustrate your need for reliable GPS.  If preferred, you may print a copy and mail it by following the links below.


Compose Message

Message Recipients: U.S. Senators U.S. House Representative Communications Commission

Comments regarding FCC IB Docket No. 11-109, Interference with GPS Signals

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As you consider the conditional approval for LightSquared, I write to ask you to preserve the integrity of the nation’s GPS system. 


Last year, the federal government shut down the Loran navigation system, making recreational mariners solely reliant on GPS for all electronic navigation needs.  Like so many other GPS users around the country, GPS is now integrated into our daily outings, and we look to the FCC to protect the integrity of the GPS signal.

Your Closing: