Smart Moves Near the Laylines
by David Dellenbaugh The layline is a critical part of any
windward leg because every boat has to get there eventually and, once they
do, it’s a tactical dead-end. The closer you come to a layline, the fewer
options you have, so you need smart tactics whenever you are approaching (or
avoiding) it.
When you’re behind
Going to the layline when there are boats ahead of you is like running into
a dead-end alley while you are being chased: there is no escape. So when
you’re behind, a basic tactical rule of thumb is to stay away from the
Of course, you can’t avoid the layline forever. But the farther you are from
the mark when you reach the layline, the more risk you take (of other boats
tacking on you). So consider tacking short of the layline (see diagram) to
keep options open.
As you get closer to the mark, it’s OK to go to the layline, especially when
there aren’t so many boats around you. But if you think other boats may tack
on you, go a little past the layline before tacking. This will encourage
them to tack in front of or to leeward of you (where they won’t hurt you so
much), and it will give you room to foot slightly if they do tack on your
When you’re ahead
When you are concerned primarily about the boats behind you, the layline is
your friend because once you are there it’s very difficult for other boats
to pass you. Therefore, another good tactical rule of thumb is to push the
boats you are beating toward a layline.
If possible, ‘herd’ the boats behind you toward the layline on the unfavored
side of the course (so you will gain strategically as well as tactically)
and/or toward whichever layline is closer (so they reach the dead-end as
soon as possible). The further you are from the mark, the more effective
this tactic becomes.
It’s usually not a great idea to get to the layline first because
boats that are ahead of you will then be able to tack on your wind.
Therefore, before you reach the layline, take a look at the boats to
windward. Are they ahead of you? If a boat on your windward hip is far
enough advanced to tack in a safe leeward position, then they will give
you trouble and you should consider tacking before the layline. But if
they can’t lee-bow you, then you can go to the layline and they won’t be
a problem. Photo by J.H. Peterson. |
The port layline temptation
When you must round the windward mark to port, there is often a traffic jam
on the starboard-tack layline but hardly anyone on the port-tack layline.
That’s because it can be difficult to tack near the mark without breaking a
rule (see rule 18.3). However, many of the boats on starboard tack have to
sail in bad air or overstand the mark. That’s why it’s often tempting to
approach on port.
When you do this, however, you must be careful tactically. If you come right
in to the mark on the port-tack layline you will be asking for trouble,
especially if you’re in the middle of a pack.
It’s almost always better to be at least several lengths to leeward of the
port-tack layline. You want to be far enough away so that, when you reach
the starboard layline and tack for the mark, you have room to complete your
tack (i.e. get to a closehauled course on starboard tack) before you enter
the two-length zone around the mark. This will make it much easier to avoid
breaking any rules (especially 18.3).
Two tacks or sail in bad air?
If you’re on the layline and a boat tacks on your wind, should you tack
twice to get clear air, or just continue sailing to the mark in bad air?
Your best tactical option depends on at least two factors:
1) How far you
are from the mark. Obviously if you are only a few lengths from the mark it
would be better to keep going, but if you are half a mile away it’s probably
better to make two tacks. The tradeoff point is some place in between where
the cost of two tacks is equal to the cost of staying in bad air; and
2) How much you are being hurt by bad air. If it’s windy and you can sail
almost as fast in dirty air, then you should probably keep going. But if
you’re sailing in light air (where wind shadows can really hurt), then you
should definitely consider two tacks (especially if there is any chance the
bad air means you won’t fetch the mark).
Try a “head-fake” on the layline
When you’re trying to judge the layline, it helps to look at other boats
that cross ahead of you to see if they are fetching the mark. Other
boats also look at your angle when they cross behind you (A). If you are
fetching the mark, consider bearing off for a moment to make it look
like you are below the layline (B). This way you will encourage the
other boat to continue sailing past the layline, and you will round the
mark farther ahead of them. This trick may also work when one of your
competitors crosses ahead of you (C). If you bear off to make it look
like you aren’t making the mark, you may entice them to sail far enough
past the layline that they will not give you bad air after they tack. |
Tack on the layline or on a boat that is overstanding?
A common tactical situation near the layline happens when you converge
with another boat that is overstanding the mark. If you are ahead of
that boat, should you tack on the layline (A), or continue past the
layline so you can tack on the other boat and give them bad air (B)!
When you’re in this position on the race course, it often seems like
tacking on the other boat is the better option. But more often than not,
tacking on the layline is a smarter move. You decision should depend on
at least three main variables; how far you are from the mark, how much
the other boat has overstood, and the position of other boats. You
should consider tacking on the other boat if they are far from the mark,
not overstood by too much and/or other boats are not a factor. Tack on
the layline when you are closer to the mark, when the other boat has
overstood by a lot and/or you are worried about nearby boats. |
Dave publishes the newsletter Speed & Smarts. For a subscription call:
800-356-2200 or go to:
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