Gore Outfits Pride of Baltimore Crew
W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc., inventor of Gore-Tex® fabric, is pleased to announce that they will be the official outerwear sponsor for Pride of Baltimore II for 2000, providing Gore-Tex® coastal outerwear and Windstopper® garments to the entire crew. The Pride II, a recreation of the 1812-era topsail schooner, serves as the Goodwill Ambassador for the State of Maryland and the Port of Baltimore.
“We’re extremely pleased that Gore, a major Maryland business and leader in the outerwear industry, has kindly agreed to sponsor us again,” stated Dale Hilliard, Executive Director of Pride of Baltimore, Inc. “The Pride II crew will continue to stay dry and comfortable with the unbeatable waterproof breathable protection of Gore-Tex® coastal outerwear and the windproof resiliency of Windstopper® apparel.”
Pride of Baltimore II has an ambitious schedule for 2000 that will take her up the East Coast of the U.S. as a part of the OpSail 2000 and Tall Ships 2000 events. One of the highlights of the season is participating in the Tall Ship Race of the Century across the Atlantic from Halifax to Amsterdam. Pride II will also be visiting London, Hamburg, Copenhagen, Göteborg, Oslo and Baltimore Ireland as part of a tour of Northern Europe.
Gore-Tex® coastal outerwear is specifically designed for cruising and coastal inshore sailors who expect high level performance from their clothing—comfort, durability, and mobility with the additional needs for lightness combined with strength. It is as breathable as “classic” Gore-Tex® outerwear yet the garment designs are more watertight and the fabric is more durably waterproof. Gore-Tex® coastal outerwear is not harmed by salt water and remains durably waterproof and very breathable in the harsh marine environment. Like all Gore-Texä products, they are backed by the Guaranteed To Keep You Dry® pledge.
Windstopper® garments are the most breathable windproof apparel. They offer excellent breathability and total windproofness in addition to providing maximum warmth with less bulk when compared to other wind-blocking fabrics. Windstopper® outerwear virtually eliminates the windchill effect, which greatly extends the comfort range of the wearer.
W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc. is the worldwide leader in providing high-technology fabric for outdoor apparel and footwear, as well as products for electronic, industrial and medical applications. Phone: 1-800-431-GORE or Website: gore-tex.com.